Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Eden Eternal Auction NPCs and Bank NPCs

The Bank and the Auction NPCs are in the town call Aven.

  • Find the warp on the map and go to Aven.

  • Press M to see a big map. The green bags are the Bank NPCs

There are 32 available slots. You can buy the bags from item mall to add more spaces.

  • The Auctions NPCs are accross the Bank NPCs. They look like 2 red boxes on the mini map.

How to buy and sell stuffs from Auctions?

Go talk to one of the Auctions NPC.
Choose the item that you would like to buy.

After you found the item you wanted, press Buy at the bottom right.

  • The stuffs that you bought will be in your mailbox.
  • Access the mail box by clicking at the letter in the blue square at the mini map on the top right of your game screen.
  • Open the letter and collect your item.
You can sell item by right click at the NPC.
Press the Auction tab.
Put your item in the box and set the price.
After that press List item.
(You also need to pay for the tax before start selling.)
Press Confirm.
You are now done!

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